Monday, August 6, 2007

Breaking Free

Better late than never. It's about time the shackles were broken. It's time to test the waters. One fleeting glance back tugged at my heart strings. Doleful eyes brimming with tears nearly stopped me in my tracks. But a covetous strategy egged me on.. the chains were broken, freedom set forth on a unstoppable journey.. the journey with no destination or maybe some.. the truth lies in the dark, uncovered only to emerge to shine light when the time's right.

Heard the song again, the one that set my heart beating a miraculous million beats per second, this time around, there were no palpitations, no nervousness, no fluttering, no melancholic pangs. Something has been set free, I continue on my journey... to uncover the light

1 comment:

Unknown said...

beautiful.. and ironic! and that's what is heady... i like that
